Friday, December 16, 2011

Contradiction in news reporting

These days, getting reliable, unbiased news reports has become a real challenge. There used to be a time when there was a difference between a viewpoint and a news article and you could quote a news article as the truth. Unfortunately, news reports these days are so skewed by perspective that you can't get a true picture until you visit a variety of news websites that span the entire spectrum of political views. What you see below is just one such example. While the BBC claims that Russia and India failed to extend the deal, The Hindu claims that some sort of agreement  had been reached. On one hand we have a global media behemoth which claims to be neutral (though at times, they don't appear very sympathetic to the "third world") while on the other hand we have an Indian newspaper (which many consider to be one of the last few reliable news agencies in India) trying to paint a positive picture. One can understand that different news agencies can have different opinions or views about an event but it is baffling that the facts about the event themselves contradict each other.


Sandipan Mitra said...

Lol! I came across one of these recently. BJPs UP manifesto. HIndu said "BJP talks Developement along with Ayodhya". Rediff reports "BJP has little to offer besides Ayodhya"

Nikhil Nemade said...

Well there was a similar episode yesterday. The Hindu reported that the IAF Rafale deal was worth $10bn while ToI reported it as $20bn