While I am pleasantly awed by the above convoluted process , at the same time, I am also greatly thankful for its existence as well. Without it, I would have to get out of the comfort of my home in the middle of the night, burn some valuable fuel driving to office just to select/unselect some options on a GUI in the middle of the commotion created by the janitors' vacuum cleaners. Just like the remote access process above, other technologies/gadgets are impacting my lifestyle too.

I now carry around a touch screen 3G phone which apart from providing basic cell phone services, provides internet, live news service, TV shows, IMs, an array of applications and even live TV in certain regions. With that in my pocket, I am truly connected 24x7 via phone, email , TV and IM (as long as I don't end up in the middle of the Sundarbans or the Amazon rain forest). Not to mention the bluetooth hands-free thanks to which I don't even need to hold it. The other day while sitting in a cafe, someone discussed an interesting video on youtube which we hadn't seen. The video was immediately seen in the mood of the moment rather than exchanging links later on.
Then there's this HDTV sitting in my living room, which can, after some extra payment use my household wireless network to stream videos live from the internet. A GPS, which I once thought was a technological luxury rather than a necessity sits in my car thanks to the generosity of some good friends. Just 2 years ago I remember driving with friends through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada with the help of simply a road atlas and maps. However, in my latest trip to Florida, the GPS was consulted at every junction and turn which allowed our gray ce

While the few gadgets I have mentioned form really a drop in the ocean of gadgets available in the market today, I am both awed and scared by the impact these are having. While all technologies definitely ease our way of life, many of them are also preventing us from using our brains and dumbing us. Nevertheless, I don't think my craving for gadgets will die because of that. I guess, the best way is to own them and use them judiciously when and where required and not become totally dependent on them!!
speaking of gadgets and technology - its really awesome that you can actually see the countries that people have logged in from on your blog page!!!! nice blog by the way ... keep it coming !!! tc njoi....
Nice blog! Did you see a pattern in the gadgets you mentioned? They have a gadget within gadget. Like vpn and remote desktop, internet in mobile phone, tv and AI in the treadmill.
I guess its good. But Lets say when you are going for a stroll, you would rather wish that even your cell was off.
As long as we keep things independent, i guess we are good.
the last line says everything.
get an electric/hybrid car. u can repair it at home ;)
Good to see you post after long time. Good post by the way. keep up the good work :)
So what I feel is, if I break in,
I can take a laptop, GPS, Touch Cell Phone, LCD TV and ebay it .. Ha Ha Ha.
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